Cloud Hosting

We provide assistance to recover from an event that negatively affects your business operations.
In order for Progenet Innovation Services to be able to provide with a Disaster Recovery Service via VeeamConnectDR, the customer will needdd to define the required RTO and RPO as explained below.
Define your company critical processes and data and get signed RTO or RPO times in hours from your decision makers. Secure business continuity with powerful data backup across critical operation centers.
The duration of time in which a business process must be restored after a disaster. Less the better.
The maximum period for which data can me lost due to major incident. Less the better.
You can replicate your entire IT environment to your dedicated Cloud Host(s) visible inside Veeam Backup console. We support Vmware , AHV and Hyper-V tenant environments with multiple VLANs. Affordable and efficient image-based replication delivers cloud-based disaster recovery for ALL applications (RTPOTM < 15 minutes).
We provide professional cloud services and solutions to meet your everyday business needs.
Platform as a service (PaaS) enables the software development to develop, run, and manage software applications by using Progenet’s PaaS.
Software as a Service (SaaS) can be offered as part of Progenet Cloud package together with various software or applications offered that may help an organization. Software provisioning and ease of use is the prime advantage to subscribe to Progenet’s SaaS.
o You may stored all your company data into our secured Progenet’s cloud service. STaaS saves you money through operating expenditure (OpEx) agility—you only pay for the storage you need, when you need it.
The key benefit of cloud encryption is the same as in any application of encryption: encrypted data is only readable for authorized parties with access to the decryption keys. Progenet cloud data is compliance with PCI DSS which all your company data will be secured and protected with our Cylance AI*.
Progenet’s cloud migration service provide you with hassle free transformation from on premise to cloud and build suitable solution according to your business requirements.
Managed Services by Progenet are to help with cutting down costs for an organization to upkeep an IT department while subscribed to Progenet’s Managed Services. Managed Services offered are application to IaaS, BaaS, DRaaS, SaaS and co-located physical servers.
Maintenance and Support are provided for customers to maintain the integrity of their hosted servers and other physical appliances. Support are provided on 24×7 basis via channels such as emails, hotline, and on-premise support.
o Progenet offers consultancy in the areas revolving Cloud Infrastructures and Datacenter hosting. This is inclusive of the infrastructure build, cost management, licensing that may come in IaaS, BaaS, DRaaS, SaaS and any other hosting models.